Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cat-Face Spider

Last night, after a long night of eating too much food at Pig Out at The Park, we got home to find a creepy looking spider outside our kitchen window. I caught a giant white ball out of the corner of my eye, and looked over at this feakishly huge looking spider staring me down.

I wouldn't have been suprised if the damn thing started talking and demanded my wallet. Turns out, this spider is called a Jewel Spider, and/or Cat-Face Spider. Mainly because when you look at it from behind, it looks like.., well, a cat.
I looked up this spider and according to this site:
the spiders aren't harmful to humans. In fact, they are beneficial. Still creepy looking though. This thing will scare the bejeezes out of you if you've never seen one before. This is the time of year that these spiders begin to show up.

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